Application form postgraduate Master's programme in Oral Health Sciences 2025-2026
Graduation profiles of the Oral Health Sciences, Msc
Personal details and contact information
Previous VU-enrollment
Eligibility for the programme
Do you have a BIG registration number? *
Application documents
Copy of hepatitis-B vaccination plus titer determination (please provide a certificate of translation if the document is not made out in English or Dutch) *
Copy of reanimation or CPR certificate (up to two years old) *
Who will be sending a letter of reference on your behalf? (At least two) *
I would like to apply for the postgraduate Master’s programme in Oral Health Sciences at ACTA, starting September 2025. I have included all documents as mentioned above under the header Application documents. I understand that an interview in Amsterdam may be part of the admission procedure. I appreciate that this is a 3-year programme which requires at least 40 study hours per week and which charges an annual tuition fee. *
Copy of hepatitis-B vaccination plus titer determination (incl. certificate of translation if document is not made out in English or Dutch) *
Tekst voor mail aan kandidaat indien aanmelding afgekeurd: (aanhef en afzender worden automatisch vermeld) *