Ethical Review Registration Form Faculty of Humanities (VU)
Version 2.0, 2022
In order to process your application to the Research Ethics Review Committee (ETCO) of the Faculty of Humanities, please answer the following questions. You can also download the intake form here to prepare the questions before sending in your application.
Privacy statement
We process your personal information in accordance with the general privacy statement (NB: open links by using right click - open link in new tab ) of the VU. Your personal information will solely be used for the purpose of conducting an ethical review and keeping a record of research involving human subjects at the Faculty of Humanities. Your personal information will not be shared with third parties and will not be retained longer than is necessary to achieve the predetermined purposes.
Research data and methodology
Please provide a description of the research project *
What are the goals/aims of the research project? *
Please provide an overview of the types of data you will collect for this study (e.g. interview data, photos, videos, survey data, audio recordings, social media messages, etc.) *
How will the data contribute to answering the questions of your research project? *
Where will the data be stored during the research project? *
Where will the data be stored (archived) after the research project? *
Who will have access to the research data during and after the research project? *
Please upload your Data Management Plan (DMP)
Human subject research
Do you plan to collect personal data for the purpose of your research project?
Please elaborate on the type of personal data you will collect (e.g. name, address, age, gender, political statements, medical conditions, etc.) *
Will the data by pseudonymized/anonymized? *
What is the reason for not pseudonymizing/anonymizing the data?
Which of the following options best describe your data subjects? (multiple answers possible)
Which inclusion/exclusion criteria are you using to select the data subjects? *
How are the data subjects recruited? *
How many data subjects do you expect to need, and what is your basis for this estimate? *
If there are data subjects who qualify as vulnerable (e.g. children, minorities, migrants), please state which additional protection measures have been taken *
Are the data subjects asked to perform any actions, and if so, what are the data subjects asked to do? *
What physical and mental burdens are asked of the data subjects? Are you going to use stimuli that might be disagreeable or stressful for the participant? If so, please clarify which stimuli you are going to use *
Please state the approximate time investment of the data subjects (if any) *
Privacy and consent
In accordance with Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the processing of personal information is only lawful when certain requirements are met. Processing personal data always requires a legal ground. In the context of scientific research, asking data subjects for their consent is the preferred way to secure your project is lawfully executed.
Would you like to claim exemption from asking data subjects for their consent? (for example because this is problematic or impossible) *
Informed consent
A template informed consent form and a template participation information sheet can be downloaded from the website of the ETCO.
Please upload a copy your informed consent form *
Please upload a copy your participation information sheet *
Please verify that your informed consent form and participation information sheet informs your data subjects about the following topics:
Purpose of the research
Involvement of data subjects
Compensation (if applicable)
Time investment of data subjects
Types of personal data collected
Data protection
Pseudonymisation /anonymisation of personal data
Access to personal data
Sharing of personal data
Storage and archiving
Retainment of data for at least ten years
Risks and discomforts (if any)
Voluntary participation
Right to withdraw consent
Opportunity to ask questions about the project
Contact information researcher
Contact information Data Protection Officer
Contact information Dutch Data Protection Authority
Transfer of data to countries outside the EU
Where will the completed informed consent forms be stored during and after the research project? *
Legitimate interest
In case requesting consent is problematic or impossible, ‘legitimate interest’ may provide a legal ground. To be able to invoke legitimate interest as a legal ground, please provide the following information in detail.
Please state your legitimate interest in processing the personal data. Why do you want to process the personal data? Who benefits from the processing and in what way? Are there any wider public benefits to the processing? *
Please state why asking for consent is problematic or impossible. How does the processing help to further your legitimate interest? Is there a less intrusive way to achieve the same result? *
Please state how the processing of the data is proportionate in relation to the objective pursued. Explain how the legitimate interest overrides the data subjects’ privacy interests. Is any of the data particularly sensitive or private? How big an impact might the processing have on the data subjects? Can you adopt any safeguards to minimize the impact? *
Please note that data subjects must always be informed when personal data is processed, even when this is done on the basis of a legitimate interest. Information to this effect can be provided in a so-called privacy statement. The Faculty Privacy Champion ( ) has a template privacy statement at their disposal.
Special categories of personal data
Processing some categories of personal data is prohibited in accordance to Article 9 of the GDPR, except in the derogations specified in the GDPR or GDPR Implementation Act.
Please indicate if you plan to process (collect, store, analyze, etc.) any of the following types of personal data by checking the corresponding boxes *
Explicit consent
The prohibition on the processing of special categories of personal data does not apply if the data subject has given explicit consent to the processing. Please note that explicit consent has to be given in addition to the informed consent mentioned above.
Would you like to claim exemption from asking data subjects for their explicit consent? (for example because this is problematic or impossible) *
Please upload a copy of your explicit consent form here *
Excemption for scientific research
When it is impossible or would require disproportionate effort to ask data subjects for explicit consent, there may be grounds for derogation from the prohibition for the purposes of scientific research. To be able to invoke this derogation as a legal ground, please provide the following information in detail.
Please state in what way(s) the proposed research serves a public interest *
Please state how the processing of the data is proportionate and necessary in relation to the objective pursued *
Please state why asking for consent is problematic, impossible, or would involve a disproportionate effort *
Please state which safeguards have been put in place such that the data subject’s privacy is not disproportionately compromised *